Chunky Monkey

Chunky Monkey

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October 7, 2010: Day 4

And so here we 4. Today, I felt great. I had lot's of energy, accomplished a lot at work and had a GREAT time at the gym. What was so great about the gym? I'm glad you asked. Today, I left work early to pick up some office supplies we were in desperate need of. On my way to the gym, I was stopped at a red light. I was zoned out in a way as I waited for the light to change to green. But something extraordinary caught my eye. At first I questioned whether I was really seeing what I thought I was seeing. Glancing into my rearview mirror, the man in the truck behind me was "digging for gold". Oh yes, he was really really digging. It was so very gross but I couldn't seem to stop staring at him. And then he did it. And what he did caused such a violent reaction in me that it stayed with me for an hour or so after the incident. You guessed it. He found gold alright. And like any new discovery, he examined it for a moment and then methodically slipped it into his mouth. I was horrified at what I had just witnessed. With the light now green, the traffic began to move. As I sit there stunned and sick to my stomach, I almost hit the oncoming Purolator truck in the other lane...I heaved and heaved again and quickly skirted out of the way. On we go to the gym...

Now, is it just me or is the women's change room a bit of an awkward space. I try to look away or just turn away when other women are changing. Today is the second day in a row that someone took their sweet time leaving and examined me changing. No, they don't actually look at me, but they glance in the mirror and look at me as if I won't notice them peeping. It's like the crack between the bathroom stall door and the wall. People look in the crack all the time and they do it as if they think you don't know that they can see you peeing. It's not rocket science people! I SEE you. And I don't like it. Maybe it's my stunning ripples of fat that has them never knows these days.

Now once I escaped the locker room, I did my core exercises. I must brag a I am at level 4 for intensity. Woot! Woot! My trainer drew little diagrams for me so that I would remember how to do them. And then she put a smiley face beside the reps. Does she know that her happy little smiley face does not make the exercise any easier? Or perhaps her little smiley face is mocking me.....yes, she is laughing at me with her happy little smiley face. Why doesn't she draw an angry face because that's how I look when I fall off the big ball and crash to the floor. DARN YOU SMILEY FACE! DARN YOU!!!

On to the treadmill. With great music echoing in my ears I begin my cardio routine. Soon, Joanne joins me on the treadmill beside me. What a nice surprise! Of course, I felt the need to offer her a little entertainment and since the celtic music I was listening too was not doing it for me. I needed a distraction. So, in Andrea style, I began to get jiggy on the treadmill. Now in NO way do I recommend that you try this on a moving tread so please do not try this at home. But skipping and dancing seemed to pass the time. I am sure the people behind us thought we were crazy especially when Joanne shared her ear bud with me. Now, the two of us side by side, sharing an earbud attached to her ipod...we began to dance and rock out to....that's right...FLASHDANCE . Of course, no one else had any idea what was going on. But we had fun and we burned calories....and we danced. In a gym made of steal, made of stone, we heard the music, closed our eyes and felt the rhythm......tripping and stumbling almost simultaneously and potentially killing SLAYED our fat monster. And we will do it again tomorrow!! OH...What a feeling!!!

PS- Today, I encourage you to slay your fat monster.... be it chocolate, wine or painkillers......what's your kryptonite? (This is dedicated to MK) Thanks for the laugh today!!


  1. That truck wasn't cheese whiz orange was it?

  2. so next time I'll attach the emergency STOP button cord securely to myself....that could have been a catastrophe!
