Cheat day!! What a beautiful day today!! It was definitely a winter wonderland here in the Canadian Prairies. The conditions were just right and after a hearty home made breakfast made by my Mom, my girls and I ventured out onto the toboggan hill. The sun was shining and the conditions were just right. The need for speed was all we were craving. All the training has been worth it. I had so much fun tobogganing that I could have done it all afternoon. The only problem being that I was wearing my princess Etnies instead of boots and neglected to utilize my snowboarding pants. I don't actual snowboard...but I have the pants!! And they really would have come in handy today. However, the chunky monkey has stopped me in the past from having fun with my kids. But not today!!! You want proof you say....well here it is....Chunky Monkey goes tobogganing.
So after a fun-filled afternoon with the kids and a good evening out with some friends. I am completely satisfied. Kind of. Besides the man that stood in front of me with his hand in his pants, the woman with the ugly cackle who insisted on laughing at an unbearable pitch throughout every single part of the the theatrical production...while spreading her ugly bacterii all over the back of our necks, heads and food......and not to mention my sore finger. Joanne tells me bacterii is not a word. What the heck does she know?! I'd like to cackle all over the back of that woman's head. I think I even felt her saliva penetrate some of my hair follicles.
Did I mention that getting to the gym this week took an extreme amount of dedication, discipline and a public display of kicking and screaming. I don't know why, but I have felt a little less motivation. I am not sure if I am just tired or if I am quietly caving into the lures of the donut god. Perhaps I truly am a chocolate chip cookie whore who would trade her birthright for a morsel of cookie. Maybe the fat monster has more of a hold on my heart than I realized. I have been a bit testy. I also know that the girl who likes to take locker 81 and ruin my entire gym experience will never touch it again.
OOOHhh! That's right! I saw her reach for it. I saw her touch it. She even opened it. She had the audacity to do it right in front of me. And I told her to back away from the locker. She laughed. I laughed. And then I put on my angry eyes. She said..."you are joking right?". I said..."of course.......if I wasn't joking, I would be admitting that I was nuts.....and that would be scary for you. So ya...I am joking..............(and then softly muttered)....kind of." She laughed nervously. I then turned slightly....and whispered in gangsta style, "back away from that locker or I WILL cut you" I didn't actually say that but I did say, "get your things out of my frigging locker". And then I laughed....and she laughed....and then I stopped laughing. (the whole experience really made my day as she is still not certain if I was joking or not. OF COURSE I WAS. But she doesn't know for sure.) (insert cackle). That was a defining moment in the locker room for me. And it made for a great work out. (Although, I skipped the dreaded ball exchanges and did core exercise number 1 instead. Bad girl...I know. Shhhh!! Don't tell my trainer. And don't worry....I will do them tomorrow right after the Roughriders bring home the grey cup.)
I left the gym feeling good. I felt hawt. I felt proud. And if I wouldn't have fallen down the steps in front of the nice looking lad on the way out....I would have felt like a million bucks. Well, maybe tomorrow I will feel like a million bucks. I know...nothing rang truer than what my Mamma used to say....Pride comes before a fall....if only I knew she meant it literally.
So, it is with a sad heart that I bid cheat day...farewell. Teach not thy lip such scorn, for it was made for eating brownies, not for such healthy and well balanced eating. Farewell, dear donuts for God knows when we shall meet again. If eating be an act of on. And when shall we eat again? In thunder, lightening or in rain? When the hurly burly's done...when the battle's lost and won....there to meet.....with....the dreaded....FAT MONSTER.
Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow,That I shall say good night till it be morrow.
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