Chunky Monkey

Chunky Monkey

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 50: The fabric of life (I can think of nothing more noble to honor on day 50)

Sometimes slaying the fat monster can be a daunting task. Sometimes it feels lonely....however, I know I am not alone! There are many threads that are woven together to create a fabric. Fabric is made of fibers that are gathered from the source, spun into threads and then they are woven or knit into fabrics. There is a fabric of people that runs between the first and last breath that I breathe. My own personal fabric is made up of the following.....My heros.

Thank you Mom for teaching me commitment and strength.

Thank you Peter for convincing me that I had something more to offer. (He always thought I was a good enough ball player to play nationally--gotta love those big brothers!)

Thank you Sandra for always believing in me and seeing past the sometimes not-so-pretty exterior.

Thank you Marylou for teaching me family. (and being family) (I wish I had a picture of us bungee jumping as I feel that would be the most appropriate picture!)

Thank you Joanne for teaching me friendship (and being my sister).

Thank you Lorrie for teaching me forgiveness.(...and for your homemade pancakes)

Thank you Jayci for teaching me courage. (and your amazing sense of humor)

Thank you Darlis for teaching me integrity...(and always making me laugh).

Thank you Brad for teaching me generosity...(and for believing in me).

Thank you Eden for teaching me honesty...(and for lighting up my life).

Thank you Jael for teaching me gentleness...(and for being just amazing).

Thank you Angie for being my moral compass (and life long pal).

Thank you Aimee for teaching me laughter (and being my bestie).

And thank you God for the fabric of people you have woven into my life.

Each one of these people play a very important role and I thank God for them. For each of them and each virtue they have taught me, I have a story to support it. They are the unsung heros in my life.

The people that surround me make it evident to me that there is a God who is looking out for me. I can only be thankful that I am not alone in this fight of fat. There is no greater riches in the world than to have a treasure chest full of friends.

And that is one more point for me in the boxing match of life. Take that fat monster!! TKO!!

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