Since "the gym" is not my natural habitat and the cookie isle at the supermarket is, the saga of the struggling fattie continues on. And on. And on. And on.
I do understand that struggling to be svelte does not make me unique. Who isn't struggling to be svelte? I am making an exception to the hot body'd 16 year old who's diet consists of chips, beer and a steady habit of couch potato-ing. Clearly, those individuals who look hawt and have not earned it are completely disqualified and cannot possibly relate to nor share in "Mein Kempf". And I just think they suck! Okay, they don't suck, I am just envious of the fact that they will never know the taste of victory nor defeat when it comes to the fat monster. Wait a minute...why the H E double hockey sticks would I be envious of that?! I am on my way to tasting something other than french fries...and it will be the sweet taste of victory when the fat monster rears it's ugly head in my more!
This weeks challenge: The gym.
There seems at times to be a certain amount of bravado displayed by some of the beautiful bodies at the gym. And although, I believe my Creator intended my natural habitat to be the gym, I do find being there amidst the ever so confident hot bodies a wee bit challenging at times. I don't mean to point out anyone specific except for the braggadocchio who struts his not-so-hard body and slightly unfortunate looking face all over the weight area of the gym. And of course, he seems to be on the same rotation as me. Isn't that how life works? Isn't there something about Murphy's Law that besides being obnoxiously pessimistic is as true as the scale is accurate? The oversized ogre with a distinct old man smell who struts his stuff and kisses his biceps after flexing them is the type of guy that is going to be working legs right beside me. It's like working out beside a smelly peacock.....look at me....I'm so hot....I have big muscles....I grunt and sweat and kiss my biceps. And yet not a peacock, because peacocks actually are beautiful. Just remove the pea...and that is what he is. Why on earth does he have to come to the gym at the same time as me??
AND who the heck is using locker 81??? That is my locker. This is not a joke. I am not superstitious...more a creature of habit and well, when I can't use locker 81...well....I feel irritable. It throws off my whole routine.
And T-Fal just flashed an ad across the tv with french fries in it. AHHH! NO! NO! I will not give in to you evil french fries!!! Until tomorrow...then I will devour you....every last one. Helllooo cheat day!!
Alas, I am in a hotel in Edmonton with a cute guy. And he is waiting ever so patiently for me to finish blogging. I guess he is not waiting...more like snoring softly. And since a full day of driving has sucked the very life from me.....I must retire.
Until tomorrow.......happy fat slaying!! Cheers!
Andy :)
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