No...I didn't gain...I just wish this whole process was faster. I am so close to breaking the 160lb barrier....once and for all! It just feels like it's within reach....and I am terrified that just as I close my fingers to grasp it....the dark war lord and it's crew of imps will snatch my freedom away....foreva! As I lose heart and crumple into a ball on the floor, more commonly known as the fetal position, I will relinquish my fat slaying nunchuks and submit to an eternal membership of fattie, resident in fat-dom. I think today is ...the glass is half empty sort of day.
So....I'm on a Wizard of Oz kick...but what can I say...I found myself ripped and torn by a wild gail into a new world over run by munchkins, scarecrows without brains and irritating little dogs named ummm...Toto. Oh yes...and don't forget the wicked witch of the west! She's here too!! Where the heck are Uncle Henry and Auntie Emm when you need them?? (They are probably drinking a 40 at the local pub because their insurance didn't cover an "act of God". And frankly, I don't blame them). Hmmm....that's a good idea...wonder if it's in the training plan?? Dear trainer, I drank a 40 today because I realized that I am somewhere over the rainbow...if you have a gps that can find the Wizard of Oz...I would be so very grateful.
It all started when I opened my eyes today. The guilt for "skipping" the gym yesterday came in like a flood. The reality that today would mean double duty at the gym, cardio, weights and ugly ball exchanges was ever so potent. The fact that I am feeling under the weather, "blue" and not on my game didn't help either. It was work just to drive to the gym, eat my beef jerky and snap peas and put my gym clothes on. Then at that point, I realized I had forgotten my socks. So, I had to work out in my bare feet because if I go home to get socks, I will never get back to the gym. Unfortunately, having no socks only made my shoes stink and I have a small blister on my pinky toe!! While I was at the gym...a less than fit, 18 year old boy...for that is what he was...decided that he was going to offer me some advice as to how I should be lifting weights. That's all I need. Can't you see that I am wearing my angry eyes today?! I smiled, said thank you, walked away and #$*% under my breath. Don't get me wrong...advice is good....just not today!!
So after finishing the gym, I rush home to make dinner for the kids. They had swimming lessons today and would soon arrive home with a ferocious appetite. So I whipped up some soup, let out the dog and got ready for the animals to arrive home. Eden phoned before they arrived to remind me that I promised her to take her to the store to buy her a webkinz....and since I had been procrastinating fulfilling this promise...she was holding me to it tonight. My whole body aches, I feel like the wicked witch of the west (you were wondering who that was...weren't you?) and I am sick. If they would have warned me when I was young that sex would eventually mean a baby which would eventually mean living a selfless life for the rest of my life...I may have thought twice about it. That's where the brainless scare crow comes into play. Anyways, I don't want to go there!! ;)
As I sit here with the tv on, and Toto is nudging me constantly to play with him while I try to share my day with you....I am learning how male anaconda's reproduce. Multiple snakes wrap themselves around the female and stick their claws into her...YIKES! What is up with that?!
Dear Diary,
You cursed fat! Look what you've done! I'm growing! growing! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little donut like you could destroy my beautiful svelte-ness?!
Sincerely, Donut Eater
Right now, I find myself tapping my princess Etnies together and whispering softly..."there's no place like home, there's no place like home".
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