This blog is a journal of my adventure in hunting, humiliating and destroying the chunky monkey in me.
Chunky Monkey

Thursday, December 30, 2010
ps- Body for Wife
Day 87: The curse of mediocrity!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Day 85: To eat or not to eat...that is the question!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Day 80
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Day 79: Part I: Thank you British Columbia

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Day 78: Secret Santa
Monday, December 20, 2010
Day 77
Friday, December 17, 2010
Day 74: A series of unfortunate events...
Thursday, December 16, 2010
My attempt at "feeling" Christmas-ish!
Day 73- Christmas-ish
Chocolate chip cookies
Spice Cookies
Butter tarts
Home-made Oreo cookies
Rice Krispie Cake
Home made cinnamon rolls
Raspberry Trifle
Are ya hungry yet?????
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
PS- Room To Read
Day 72: Sinking Ship
Success is having healthy relationships with my children, husband, family and the people in my circle of trust. It is being financially secure, knowing there will be enough to live and survive without dependence on others. It is having the freedom to travel and experience the world. It is not worrying about money. It is creating a legacy for my children and my children’s children. It is spending quality time with the one’s I love where I am one hundred percent present. It is golfing on a Saturday morning with good friends, putting in a good days work, being home with the family for quality time and living for a cause that is bigger than myself. It is discovering God and the importance of spirituality in my life. It is creating a positive environment that is full of love and acceptance for the one's I care for. It is living my life in a way that influences and changes someone else’s life for the better. It is having the ability to help others financially, spiritually and emotionally. Throw a healthy dose of adventure into this mix and the recipe is complete.
I am sure it is just driving you crazy that I have not identified the opportunity that I contemplated taking. It really is quite simple...I was offered a job. That's it. It did however throw me for a loop and definitely had me evaluating my entire life. I believe this offer came at a good time as it forced me to write down on paper (yes, I used paper) what my priorities are. It also, forced me to look at my life and determine what is really important.
I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to write down goals, dreams, definitions of success, definitions of what family is and who they are. It helps to focus on what really matters. It has also helped me to appreciate who my core group is. They are not bound by geographical limitations and I am amazed at the level and depth of relationship I have with them. (You know who you are!) And gawd...I know...I am a total nerd. I can't help you know!! Write your darn goals down and clarity somehow mysteriously arrives. That is the cheesiest thing I have ever said...however, it is truth.
This entire process of losing weight, getting fit and changing myself has opened the closet door of the ugliness in my heart and is forcing me to deal with it. Weight and health are so linked to what we hide in the deepest, darkest chambers of our hearts. Part of becoming a master of living, requires us to unlock the doors we have so carefully boarded shut and start unwinding the tangled web inside our hearts and minds. And to my amazement, this cannot be done without a support group. It is surprising who steps up and is there for you when you are in a "sinking ship in the middle of the ocean on a stormy night". I can assure you , it is never who you think or expect that throws you a lifeline. I can also assure you that you will be amazed at all the good that comes out of it when you go through it. Hey...that's all that matters right? That you go the other side....whatever it is that you are facing.
Now that I have my career settled (or should I say I am settled in my career), I need to get my health aligned and then my personal life. So, you will probably hear a lot about what is happening with the doctor and all of my symptoms very soon. It's all connected you know. And it is all so important in destroying the fat monster. Phase II should be another great ride and I hope you will come along with me........hey...isn't that a Great Big Sea song....."Come Along With Me"?
So, it's off to the gym to do some serious fat slaying!!
PS- Jackie, it was not very nice of you to eat fries and gravy in front of me at lunch today (even if I did order it!). (Love you girl!!)
Andy :)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Day 71: Baroness Chunky Monkey

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Day 69
Friday, December 10, 2010
Day 67: Locusts and Wild Honey
The plane ride last night was nothing but memorable. Bizarro John the Baptist was sitting in the seat ahead of us. The only thing that was missing was locusts and wild honey. His dreads of hair hung over the back of his headrest and invaded themselves into my space. I was irritated as I paid for the 6 inch radius of space around me and now some bug-infested dread lock was staring me in the face. Along with John was his side kick, Stinky. Stinky had an incredible case of BO and his aroma saturated all of the air space on the closed up, air tight jet. It took everything in my not to heave. I am not exaggerating in the least. It was so strong I could hardly concentrate on the book I was attempting to read.
I was beginning to feel irritated with the aroma when all of sudden something caught my attention. I wasn't sure if I was actually hearing what I thought I was hearing. My ears tuned in and I looked over at Joanne. Her ears noticed simultaneously with mine and out of her mouth came, "Is that a cat?!". That's exactly what it was. A cat was being extradited to BC in a crate on board MY plane. And this cat was not happy. And yup, you guessed it, the cat remained unhappy for the entire flight. Digging my nails into the arm rest beside me, I concentrated very hard on something peaceful in calm. However, when the drink cart passed I contemplated tearing an aluminum pop can in half and slitting the cats throat. Slowly. Waiting for it to bleed out.
I was starting to get cold as we had turned the air ducts up on high in hopes to "blow" the aroma from John and Stinky. Joanne jumped up to grab my coat and carefully lowered it to me so as not to contaminate it with Stinky's uncombed hair. Don't get me wrong. I have absolutely nothing against's just that I couldn't breathe. Anyways, pulling my hood over my face to drown out the noise of the cat and the overwhelming stench...a woman across the aisle began shushing her baby loudly. I don't know why she was shushing as I could NOT see a baby nor could I hear one crying. And I don't mean soft subtle shushing...I mean shushing that sounded like a river. And lot's of it. A big raging river.
Trying to block out the circus that surrounded us, I drifted off to sleep. Joanne was irritated as well as it was now 1 a.m. our time and the people on the plane...all of them...every single one of them were having candid conversations at an incredibly high volume. I am now asleep. I slept for approximately two minutes when I woke to the sound of the Bizarro John the Baptist and Stinky serenading the occupants of the plane. And worse yet, in those 2 short moments of napping, the plane began to ascend and my left ear was completely plugged. So to the sound of Come by Yah, I was now flirting with the idea of standing up and screaming STOP! But I was far too tired and my ear hurt. Looking at Joanne, I now knew she was as angry as I was. Is this some kind of foreshadowing for how the weekend will play out.
I thought nah, it's just the plane ride. However, when we arrived in our room at 2:30 a.m, I leaped on to my bed and leaned against the headboard. Of course, my series of unfortunate events had not ceased. Can this really be happening in my 5 star hotel? Dear God. It is definitely happening. I called to Joanne and she came out of the bathroom wondering what was wrong. I asked her to listen. She tipped her head back and started to laugh. "There's nothing wrong with people having sex, Andrea". That's right. My headboard was a rocking as someone was having a lot of fun on the other side of the wall. At that point I decided I was going to sleep.
We are off to have lunch now with one of our suppliers. We will eat healthy. We will shop. We will not bow our knees to the lure of chocolate, Crave Cupcakes or the sweet aroma of West Coast cuisine. Slaying the fat monster one day at a time....on the West Coast. Happy Friday!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Day 66
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Day 65: Part II
Day 65: Part I
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
PS- don't!
Don’t sleep in. Don’t pull your gym clothes out of the dryer before the buzzer goes because you are running late. Don’t pack your slightly damp gym clothes in your gym bag. Don’t leave your gym bag with your slightly damp gym clothes in the car when it’s -17 outside. Don’t work an extra long day without taking breaks while drinking 4 L of water. Don’t try to run to your car with a bad knee and legs that have retained water because you haven’t moved from your desk all freakin’ day. Don’t run down stairs with legs that feel like tree stumps. Don’t pull your stiff frozen gym clothes out of your gym bag minutes before your work out. Don’t put slightly frozen gym clothes on your warm body. Don't forget to warm up with stretches. Don’t work out on a bad knee with slightly frozen gym clothes. Don’t disobey your Physiotherapist. Don’t talk about a career change late at night with your husband when you are both exhausted. Don’t do laundry until 11:43 pm after you have worn frozen gym clothes and participated in a passionate discussion regarding your future while lugging around tree stump legs. Don’t drink a diet pepsi right before bed. Don’t take gravol and then try and blog. Don’t hold a pen in your mouth and drool all over your chin while trying to blog. I'm not saying I did any of these things...I just thought of some things I may or may not have done that I think is best to avoid. I have to pee now...and it’s off to bed.
(Okay fine!!! I did all these things! So take it from me...don't do it!!)