Chunky Monkey

Chunky Monkey

Friday, February 18, 2011

Your Baby Is Ugly Part II

Anyways, after my toast and protein shake, I fell fast asleep....(while visions of chocolate bars danced in my head). I missed my 5th meal yesterday and I am sure that is why I was starving in the middle of the night.

Anyways, it's weigh day tomorrow. The truth will be told. Sometimes, you just have to tell someone that "their baby is ugly" (Robert Carignan). Sometimes, we need to hear the truth. And it makes that old adage so much more shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. The truth, in my case, shed light on how out of control my weight had gotten. I needed the sobering brutality of it to yank me back into reality.

And since the decisions we make now pave the road to our future, it is important to make our decisions based on logic and not emotions. Our emotions and feelings often betray us. It is usually easier to make our decisions based on our feelings however, we often pay the price for it. Logic should rein. Therefore, the next time I look at valentine's day chocolates....I will not eat one. I will not give in. My feelings on Feb. 14th betrayed me and I ate a single chocolate. Fat Monkey 1, Skinny Monkey 0. Oh well...we live to play another day!!

Anyways, I need to get some packing done, finish my article and respond to some emails. (All the while eating my "healthy" food!! (And my rib cage is screaming...I've been doing 120 situps/core exercises on weight training days this week....UGGGH).

Check this out!


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