When legs begin to resemble cottage cheese...one realizes that one has got to get back on the wagon!! Tanning and working out....it is time!! Oh Gawd!!! Au Revoir wine....and chocolate chip cookies!!! Helloooooo gym!!!!
Chunky Monkey: Slaying the fat monster.
This blog is a journal of my adventure in hunting, humiliating and destroying the chunky monkey in me.
Chunky Monkey

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Cottage Cheese
It has come to my attention that I have fallen off the blog wagon so hard that it hurts. However, I didn't just fall off the blog wagon...I fell off the working out wagon too. So, I have decided to begin again. It doesn't matter if I fall off the wagon so long as I get back on it again. So, I may need a bit of a boost....but I am getting back on. It may be a wee bit more complicated this time as I am single parenting however, I am not going to let anything stop me. Not even my screaming lungs, my thunderous thighs or my whining tummy. I shall conquer this!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I'm Back!
Good morning sunshine...the earth says hello!! Welcome to the roller coaster thrill ride of Andrea's weight loss adventure....we go up...we go down....up up up.....dooowwwwnnnnn. Does it ever end? Okay...I have been off the wagon. However, due to a whole lot of stress...all I can say is....I am back on the fitness wagon.
I don't even want to know how much I weigh. And NO. I am not going to weigh myself. I don't want to injure the scale. It's back to the gym. Back to 4 Litres of water a day. Back to peeing constantly. Back to tuna and rice crackers. I know it's bad because just at the thought of crackers...I think of cracker jacks. You know...the childhood favorite snack that had a prize in every box. Maybe it's Cracker Jacks that is to blame for the constant weight struggle. Perhaps, it is similar to Pavlov's dogs. In fact, I am salivating just thinking about it. Today, I will have my shake, oatmeal and orange. I wonder if there is a prize in my protein shake mix...hmmm.....
In the mean time...I am covering up all the full length mirrors in my house. I do not have any need to see the damage that has been done over the last couple of months. Eating healthy and exercise equals good body and improved health. If only I can remember this the next time I see a cookie....hmmm....cookie....slim legs.....cookie.....smaller size....cookie.....ahhhh COOKIE!!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
En Route to Vegas
We left late. We missed our turn. We are staying in a hotel that reminds me of the Shining. I think the two little girls saying "Come and play with us" and the mad men scratching redrum into the wall gave it away. The elevator is right out of the tower of terror. The phone is one step up from a rotary phone. There is goo on the wall. I am sleeping in sweat pants, socks and a tshirt to prevent my skin from touching the icky bed linens. The tp dispenser in Fuddruckers would not allow me access to tp. The strawberry milkshake I had went right through me. I now smell like Fuddruckers. And the pillow is as fluffy as a sheet of paper. Sigh....'tis a cheat day I shall not forget. And the adventure begins...

Tip: Eat less. Avoid Fuddruckers.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
On again...Off again...ON again!
Hello...cyber friends!! And as they say on Poltergeist..."They're back"...er ummm..."I'm back"!! So, I fell off the wagon. It happens. I am not going to beat myself up for it. And to be honest, I have been avoiding blogging because "you're always watching" and since I made a cyber oath that I would always be honest, well, I didn't want to face all of you...in cyber world. You may be irritated with me about this but "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn". In the midst of emotional upheaval and turmoil, well, the last thing I have wanted to do is go to the gym. However, being away has helped me to realize that this is the very time that I NEED the gym. Kind of like advertising...except different..."In good times we should exercise, in bad times we MUST exercise". On again...off again...I am going to beat this!!
And so I have learned this lesson, the hard way. And so I say to you chunky monkey...you may have won a battle...but I will win this war. And in the words of...umm..some big guy in the movies...oh yeah...Arnold...."Hasta la vista, baby!". And even though I have snuggled up to my chocolate bar late at night...whispering...."My precious"....I will not let my past cripple my future...nor will I snuggle up to a chocolate bar, stroke it nor allow it to consume me....I mean allow me to consume it. Ugggh...(insert tears)...abs of steel, abs of steel, where for art thou, abs of steel????
The only thing that can bring comfort right now besides chocolate is...umm...ya...every girl has got it...you know...if you dig deep down...way down into the bottom of your purse, you are sure to find it. That's right. On the best of days, on the worst of days....lip gloss can make you feel like a princess again. You pull out the applicator, purse your lips and apply a thin layer of shine. Nothing makes a girl feel like a girl again like lip gloss!! Well, at least that's how it makes some of my friends feel...I can't say that it's done the same for me...but heck...I am willing to try anything at this point. Okay...not ANYTHING...you know...anything within reason.
I have three months to whip my rear into shape for a marathon....ha ha...okay...the 10K run in my home town. So, it's time to kick some chunky monkey kiester...right outta da kitchen!!
Mmmmm.....I love salad. (sarcasm intended). Did I mention that I am in Vegas next week...for work?? Sigh!!! How do you train and eat right in Vegas??? They don't sell "salad" in Vegas...do they?? Anybody have any tips?
Friday, March 18, 2011
Ladies Weightloss - Sandra Davis
Check this out!! If you are trying to lose weight and need some help....I highly recommend this!!!
Hang in there folks...Chunky Monkey returns to you....on Monday!!!! :)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
The quest for the After......
A fellow blogger, creator of Snappy Socks and an amazing entrepreneur and friend shares her struggles...check her out! This is one amazing lady!!!
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